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Prem Kumar Reddy
Electrical and Electronics Engineer
Developed an anomaly detection model for a real-world
smart grid system implemented on a hardware-based testbed.
Our proposed anomaly detection model is build based
on Isolation Forest (IF) to isolate outliers from standard
observations through multiple decision trees. The performance
of the proposed detection method was verified using the
simulation results on a hardware-based testbed. Feature
selection was optimized by principal component analysis and the
model was further analyzed for performance with dickey-fuller
Secure Communication with Raspberry pi's with DNP3.0
Designed a microgrid cluster with master raspberry pi’s and slave raspberry pi’s that communicate with each other over DNP3.0 protocol. The communication was made secure by implementing TLS. Alternately, we generated certificates and private keys for authentication. Both the raspberry pi’s have separate certificate and private key. Both raspberry pi’s IP addresses were shared with each other for connection.
Smart Parking System in EAGLE CAD
Designed a prototype that includes an EAGLE schematic and board of a smart parking spot finder. The model consists of an IR, UV sensors for identifying the empty spot in the parking lot.
Home Automation and Unique location determination
Designed and assembled a series of electronic components like microcontrollers, RFID readers and tags, and Bluetooth. All the components are sensibly connected to make automated home security. Used microcontroller to connect the individual components and dumped the code to get the desired output. Used RFID to differentiate the authorized personnel to unauthorized. Used Bluetooth to handle the loads in the house, loads like fan, light.
Wireless display using GSM
Designed prototype of a GSM-based display tool kit integrated with the display board making it wireless and truly mobile. During this period, I had hands-on experience with embedded system design tools like KEIL software and AT Commands. The display uses a GSM module integrated with microcontroller 8051 with a max232 interface.
Anomaly Detection in Smart Grids Using Machine Learning
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